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The study of ki is a critical component of aikido, therefore, training is both mental and physical. Lake Forest Aikikai tests our students periodically to see that the student has gained an understanding of Aikido techniques and has the solid foundation to advance in rank. The following list contains all the techniques a student will be asked to demonstrate during belt testing, and is part of the Aikido World Alliance requirements for all affiliated dojos.
A PDF version of the test requirements for quick reference can be downloaded here.
Time and Events Requirements
Minimum 3 months and 20 hours of training
Ki Tests and Exercises
- Seiza - Sitting Japanese style with legs folded underneath
- Koho Tento Undo - Rolling backward and forward from sitting, kneeling and standing positions
- Hanmi no Kamae - "Half-body stance". triangular stance with one foot forward and the other to the rear
- Orenai te - Unbendable Arm
- Kokyudosa - Partner practice in seiza position; exercise to develop timing or "breath" power
- Shomen'uchi – Overhead strike
- Katatekosatori Kotegaeshi - Cross-hand wrist grab/ "Wrist-turning" throw, pin
- Katatori Ikkyo - Lapel grab/ "First teaching" and pin
- Katatekosatori Kokyunage - Cross-hand wrist grab/ "Timing throw;" controlling the head
Time and Events Requirements
Minimum 3 months and 20 hours of training after earning 8th Kyu
Ki Tests and Exercises
- Shizentai - Stance of readiness. Also known as "horse-stance".
- Agura no Shisei - sitting with legs crossed
- Munetski – Punch
- Funakogi Undo - "Rowing exercise"
- Shomenuchi Kokyunage - Downward strike to the head/ "Timing throw;" controlling the head
- Katatetori Shihonage - Same side wrist grab/ "Four directions throw"
- Katatori Nikyo - Lapel grab/ "Second teaching" and pin
Time and Events Requirements
Minimum 3 months and 20 hours of training after earning 7.5 Kyu.
Ki Tests and Exercises
- Zengo Undo - Raising and lowering arms as if cutting with a sword, with 180 degree pivoting motion
- Shomenuchi Ikkyo Undo - forward raising or arms
- Yokomenuchi - Side strike to the head
- Mae Ukemi, Rolling - Demonstration of forward rolling
- Shomenuchi Kotegaeshi - Downward strike to the head/ "Wrist turning" throw and pin
- Shomenuchi Iriminage - Downward strike to the head/ Downward strike to the head/ "Entering throw"
- Katatetori Sankyo - Same side wrist grab/ "Third teaching;" both nage waza (throwing) and katame waza (pinning) variations required
- Munetsuki Kotegaeshi - Thrusting strike to the chest / "Wrist turning" throw and pin
Time and Events Requirements
Minimum 3 months and 20 hours of training since earning 7th Kyu
Ki Tests and Exercises
- Happo Undo - Raising and lowering arms with movement as if cutting in eight directions
- Ushiro Ukemi, Rolling - Tumbling backward completely, from kneeling and standing positions
- Banzai no Kamae - Stance with feet shoulder-width and both arms raised
- Yokomenuchi Kokyunage - Side strike to the side of the head/ "Breath throw"<
- Katatetori Kaitenage - Same side wrist grab/ "Rotary throw." Tenkan variation required
- Ushiro ryokatadori Kokyunage - Grasped from behind/ "Breath Throw"
Time and Events Requirements
Minimum 3 months and 20 hours of training since earning 6.5 Kyu
Ki Tests and Exercises
- Sayu Undo - "Left and right exercise"
- Sayu Choyaku Undo - "Left and right exercise" with stepping movement
- Tekubikosa Undo - "Crossing the wrists exercise;" high and low variations required
- Udefuri Undo - "Swinging the arms exercise"
- Udefuri Choyaku Undo - "Swinging the arms exercise" with stepping and turning motion
- Yokomenuchi Shihonage - Strike to the side of the head/ "Four directions throw"
- Ushirotekubitori Kokyunage - Wrists grasped from behind/ "Timing throw;" variation in the manner of Ushirotekubitori Undo required
- Shomenuchi Ikkyo - Downward strike to the head/ "First teaching" and pin
Time and Events Requirements
Minimum 3 months and 20 hours of training since earning 6th Kyu
Ki Tests and Exercises
- Ushiro Sori - Stance in which one leg is forward, hands are forded in the elbows and lifted up
- Mae kagami - Banding the body forward as in the technique ushiro tekubi dori kokyo nage
- Ushiro tori Undo - Bending the body forth to the forward leg, the body is bent by the waist, arms are stretched forth and back.
- Ushiro tekubidori Undo - "Washing Face exercise" - Bending the forth to the forward leg, wrists are bent pointing down to the ground.
- Ushiro tekubidori Kotegaeshi - Uke attacks with both wrists grab from the back. Tori performs wrist turning, throw and pin. The technique is in 4 variations.
- Katatori Yonkyo - Uke attacks with dynamic shoulder grab. Tori performs yonkyo. The technique is in 2 variations: irimi and tenkan.
- Ryotetori Tenchinage - Uke attacks with both wrists grab from the front. Tori performs “Heaven and earth” throw. The technique is in 2 variations: irimi and tenkan.
Time and Events Requirements
Minimum 3 months and 20 hours of training since earning 5.5 Kyu
Ki Tests and Exercises
- Tenkan Undo - Turning the body to 180 degree.
- Shikko - Movement across on knees, forwards and turning
- Yoko Ukemi (full breakfall) - The sideways falling exercise is performed from standing position.
- Ryotedori Kokyunage - Uke attacks with both wrists grab from the front. Tori performs dynamic throws. The technique is in 7 variations.
- Ushiro hijidori Kotegaeshi - Uke attacks with dynamic elbows grab from the back. Tori performs wrist turning, throw and pin. The technique is in 1 variation.
- Munetsuki Kokyunage - Uke attacks with thrusting strike to the chest. Tori performs rotary throw grabbing uke's attacking hand. The technique is in 2 variations: irimi and tenkan.
- Suwari waza: Shomen'uchi Ikkyo - Uke attacks with downward strike to the head. Tori performs elbow hold . The technique is in 2 variations: irimi and tenkan.
Time and Events Requirements
Minimum 3 months and 20 hours of training since earning 5th Kyu
Ki Tests and Exercises
- Kataashi age - This generally refers to a one legged suspension with the leg extended as opposed to a futomomo tsuri where the leg is folded back against itself
- Kamae with Bokken - Basic stances with bokken:
Chudan no Kamae - forward aiming at opponent's throat
Jodan no Kamae - Over the head stance
Gedan no Kamae - bokken aimed at opponent's knee
Hasso no Kamae - Bokken at side handle against rib cage
Waki Kamae - Bokken pointing down and hidden behind right leg
- Katate ryotetori Nikyo - Uke attacks with both hands holding tori's hand. Tori performs nikkyo. The technique is in 2 variations: irimi and tenkan.
- Suwari waza:
Shomen’uchi Kokyunage - Uke attacks with downward strike to the head. Tori performs throw throw controlling uke's head. The technique finishes with osae.
Katatori Nikyo - Uke attacks with dynamic shoulder grab. Tori performs nikkyo. The technique is in 2 variations: irimi and tenkan.
Time and Events Requirements
Minimum 3 months and 20 hours of training since earning 4.5 Kyu
Ki Tests and Exercises
- Agaranai Karada - This generally refers to a one legged suspension with the leg extended as opposed to a futomomo tsuri where the leg is folded back against itself
- Bokken Suburi - Basic strikes with bokken:
Shomenuchi - Straight downward strike
Yokomenuchi - Downward side strike from right
Gyaku Yokomenuchi - downward side strike from left
- Katate ryotetori Nikyo - Uke attacks with both hands holding tori's hand. Tori performs nikkyo. The technique is in 2 variations: irimi and tenkan.
- Suwari waza:
Shomen’uchi Kokyunage - Uke attacks with downward strike to the head. Tori performs throw throw controlling uke's head. The technique finishes with osae.
Katatori Nikyo - Uke attacks with dynamic shoulder grab. Tori performs nikkyo. The technique is in 2 variations: irimi and tenkan.
Time and Events Requirements
Minimum 3 months and 20 hours of training since earning 4th Kyu
Ki Tests and Exercises
- Jo Suburi - Various movements an strikes with a Jo
- Ryokatatori Kokyunage - Grasping both lapels/ "Timing throw;" pivot-throw variations required
- Katatetori Sumiotoshi - Same side wrist grab going to the outside and pushing uke's arm at the elbow down.
- Katate ryotedori Kokyunage - Forward grasping both wrists "Timing throw" - 8 variations
Time and Events Requirements
Minimum 4 months and 30 hours of training since earning 4.5 Kyu
Ki Tests and Exercises
- Kokyu ho - Breathing exercises
- Meiso ho - Meditation practice
- Ryokatadori Kotegaeshi - Grasping both hands - wrist turning throw.
- Ryokatadori Ikkyo - Grasping both hands - "First Teaching" - Arm Pin
- Hanmi Handachi Waza:
Katatedori Shihonage - Same side wrist grab - Four direction throw
Katatedori Sankyo - Same side wrist grab - "Third Teaching" - Opposite of Nikkyo
Time and Events Requirements
Minimum 4 months and 30 hours of training since earning 3rd Kyu
Ki Tests and Exercises
- Questions about Four Basic Principles of Aikido
- Ushiro tekubitori Jujinage - Grasping both hands from behind - Crossed arm throw.
- Ushiro katatedori kubishime Kokyunage - wrist grab from behind and choke - Kokyunage Breath Throw.
- Ryotedori Koshinage - Double wrist grab - Hip Throw
- Hanmi Handachi Waza:
Munetsuki Kotegaeshi - Abdomen punch - Wrist turning throw
Time and Events Requirements
Minimum 4 months and 40 hours of training since earning 2.5 Kyu
Ki Tests and Exercises
- Walking with miind and body unified
- Yokomenuchi Sudori - Grasping both hands from behind - Crossed arm throw.
- Ushiro katatedori Shihonage - wrist grab from behind and choke - Kokyunage Breath Throw.
- Katate Ryotedori Kotegaeshi - Double wrist grab - Hip Throw
- Jiyu Waza - Grasping attacks
Time and Events Requirements
Minimum 6 months and 60 hours of training since earning 2nd Kyu
Ki Tests and Exercises
- Bokken Kata I
- Munetsuki Kaitennage - Side strike - Rotary throw
- Yokomen’uchi Sokumen Iriminage - Side strike - Entering Throw.
- Hanmi handachi: Jiyu waza
- Jiyu Waza - Grasping attacks
- Randori - Two attackers
Time and Events Requirements
Minimum 9 months and 80 hours of training since earning 2.5 Kyu
Ki Tests and Exercises
- Jo Kata I
- Ushiro tekubidori Koshinage - Grabbing wrists from behind - Hip throw
- Ushiro waza - Side strike - Free technique
- Hanmi handachi: Jiyu waza
- Tanto dori - knife attacks and takaway
- Randori - Three attackers